Sunday, June 6, 2010

Youth Ministry Stories #5 (Plaid the Impaler)

I am compiling stories for the past 17 years of youth ministry. This is a story that happened at First Presbyterian Church in Athens, GA.  I borrowed this picture from Josh's facebook page.  I'll ask for permission later.  I am aware that this story is really only funny to me, but I'm ok with that.

Two of my leaders in Athens were Claude Dicks and Josh Morrissette.  Josh and Claude were roommates for a while, and they were in the process of moving out of their apartment.  They asked if I could use their old couch in the youth room.  I said "yes," and soon the couch joined the other multi-colored couches in the youth room.  When we decided to redecorate the youth room all the couches ended up with new covers.  When we covered Josh's old couch, he watched with a sad look on his face.  He shared with us that he and Claude had named their couch "Plaid the Impaler."  This was named after Vlad the Impaler, aka Count Dracula.  Josh realized now that his plaid couch was covered in a solid blue fabric and the name no longer fit.  I saw the look on his face, like he just lost an old friend.  After a couple of seconds, I simply stated that we could now call it "Couch Dracula."  Somehow we found this so funny that we laughed and laughed for a very long time.  We laughed until we cried.  Some of the girls came in the room and they asked what was so funny.  We told them, but they said it wasn't funny, and looked at us like we were idiots.  I didn't care.  It made me laugh.  You don't think this is funny.  I still don't care because I still find this funny over 10 years later.  Long Live Couch Dracula.

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