Thursday, June 3, 2010

For my children, a 2 inch putt is not a gimme.

Over memorial weekend the Phillips family headed to my home town of Myrtle Beach, SC. Between me and my sister we have 5 children whose birthdays are within a couple weeks of memorial day, so we do a big birthday celebration.  We spent the weekend at the beach, in the pool, at the birthday party at Mclean park, eating ice-cream, and visiting grandparents and great-grandparents.  The last day in Myrtle Beach we decided to take the boys to play putt-putt at a dinosaur course.

Three things I learned about my children while playing putt putt.
1.  They have no respect for rules
2.  They can't remember what color ball they had
3.  A 2 inch putt is not a gimmie
I, on the other hand, obeyed the rules, played fairly, and scored a 36.

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