Monday, June 21, 2010

Joseph Marshall and Sally Roth: My Favorite 2 Leaders.....this week.

Yesterday (June 20th) I headed out with 22 youth and music ministry leaders for the 2010 Handbell Tour.  We are traveling around Appalachia, giving free concerts.  I'll take some time in another post to talk about the trip, but I wanted to mention 2 people who did not go with us.

This summer we've made the decision not to cancel youth group, even if there is a big trip going on at the same time.  When I was invited to be a leader on the Handbell Tour, I asked volunteer Joseph Marshall to spear head youth group for that week.  Tonight Joseph and Sally Roth came to the youth room and prepared for the small handful of youth we expected to be there.  We knew many of the youth were on the Handbell Tour and other youth were on vacation, so we had a lower expectation of numbers and prepared for maybe 5 students, mostly middle schoolers.

Around the time youth group should have ended I began a texting conversation with Joseph:
Joey:        Everything go ok?
Joseph:    Yes, no prob
Joey:        How many youth
Joseph:    0, so Sally and I cleaned up the 4th floor
Joey:       :(
Joseph:    More snacks for me, HA!
Joey:       thanks man
Joseph:    Sure

BEST TWO LEADERS EVER!!!  Joseph and Sally could have whined or felt like they wasted their evening.  It would have made total sense for them to have headed home and just called it a short night.  They could have had 2 extra hours to themselves.  It would have made total sense.  It is what I would have expected.  But these two acted in an amazingly selfless way.  They gave up their time to clean up the youth room.  What a great representation of Jesus Christ.  Christ Church Savannah is extremely fortunate to have two such Christ-centered, servant-hearted leaders.  I am proud to be partners with them, and the youth are lucky to have such amazing people to hang out with.

Joseph Marshall and Sally Roth are my favorite 2 people right now.

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