Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Bell of Christ Church update day one

The Bells of Christ Church
Outreach Tour to Appalachia & the Carolinas
June 20-27, 2010

Day One (June 20th)
Sunday morning our group was commission at our church, Christ Church Savannah.  During the announcements we were all brought forward for a time for Father Marc and the rest of the congregation to pray over us and to send us out on this mission trip.  Our worship service ended at noon, we all grabbed some lunch, and then pack up the luggage and bells.  At 2:00 we were ready to leave.  We all headed to the undercroft, sat on the floor, and  had a prayer for safety.  We were on the road and headed to Columbia, SC before 2:30.

Our bus driver's name is Morris.  He is the same guy that drove for our first hand bell tour through Washington, DC four years ago.

Around 5:00pm we arrived at Shandon Presbyterian Church in Columbia.  The youth did not miss a beat, unloading the bus and setting up for the first concert.  I know the youth have been doing this for years, but it is always amazing to watch how efficiently the youth set up, and with great attitudes.  Our 4 "roadies" (non-ringers) were less seasoned, but they jumped in with both feet.  They (the roadies) were very helpful and appreciated by the ringers.  Once everything was set up the ringers began to warm-up.  Mark is a great teacher.  It is a pleasure to watch him encourage the youth, and he gently corrects their mistakes.  The youth never seem to be discouraged or embarrassed at his appropriate correction.  In between songs, Mark teaches the youth about the architecture of a building or the story of how/why the song was written.  Even during the song Mark will talk of how music inspires people worship.  Mark never holds back speaking about his love for Christ, or that it is because of Christ that The Bells of Christ Church exists.  Mark has one other major job to do during practice, and that is to put up with me.  I spend my time holding up signs, and trying to make the youth (and Mark) laugh.  He eventually tells me to shut up and I do.
My favorite signs:
“My favorite is Katheryn.”
“Need more cowbell!”
“Matthew’s zipper is down.”
“Townspeople go to sleep.”

At 7:30 the concert begins.  The youth are masterful and excellent as usual.  After the concert the youth take 30 minutes to talk to people in the congregation, to teach 1 on1 a little about  the bells, and let people ring a bell or two. 

Come to our home concert at 3:00pm June 27th to see The Bells of Christ Church in action.  This concert is at Christ Church on Bull street

After the concert ended the youth loaded the bells on the bus, and we headed to the hotel.  We arrived at our hotel at 10:00.  The youth put their stuff in their room and we all headed to the pool.  Mark had secured special permission to swim late.  The only rule was that we had to be quiet.  WE WERE NOT!  20 youth hit the pool in simultaneous cannon balls.  We spent the next couple hours splashing, screaming, having chicken fights, and (my favorite) creating a whirlpool.  The desk girl really didn't mind, and apparently no one could hear us.   We were in our rooms by midnight, where Anna Sprague and others broke in the hotel beds.  Ring hard, play hard I guess.  Goodnight day one.

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