Friday, June 18, 2010

Dear Hunter August Reed:

2010 Dynamos attendees from Christ Church:  (FR) Joey Phillips, Anna Sprague, Sharon Mays, Cole York, Hunter Reed.  (BR) Fr. Andrew Rowell and Laurence Hayes

Hunter Reed is one of the coolest people I know. As this was posting, Hunter will be moving from Savannah to Colorado.   Hunter has been active in Sunday school, choristers, acolytes, Sunday night youth group, mission trips, ski trips, girls only retreats, Vacation Bible School and just about anything else we have ever offered.  I am sure she could have snagged a perfect attendance awards some years.  After nearly 5 years in our youth program here at Christ Church, Hunter attended her last youth group this past Sunday (June 13th, 2010). She will be missed terribly.

Hunter, it has been such a pleasure serving you during the past few years! I am very sad that you are leaving Savannah to head to Colorado. I am proud of your commitment to loving God and others.

 I remember introducing Hunter as she gave her testimony during the 2009 Mission Trip/Bell Choir tour last summer. It was fun to stand right beside her as offered her story. She impressed me a great deal that day, and others as well.  When we had to make a decision on which students would give a repeat performance of their testimonies for the home concert at the end of the tour, Hunter was one of the students we chose.  I am glad our parish family had the chance to hear her heart and her story before she left Savannah.

Hunter, it is true that I am sad to say goodbye, but I am also excited to see how you will continue to serve God in your new town. God has a wonderful plan for you, and if you stay faithful to Him, you will see that plan completed. Remember the words of King Solomon in Provers 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

I pray that you will always recognize God’s love for you. Remain faithful to Him. It has been a honor to walk next to you during these past few years. Please keep me updated on all the exciting things you do in the future. Feel free to stop by and say hello when you return home to visit your family here. I’d love to see you! Remember to live your life KNOWing God, GROWing in Him, and GOing in his name.


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