Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Weekend Update. June 6, 2010

Last Sunday was the first week of summer youth group.

We started the evening with Katie Kavanaugh leading worship on her acoustic guitar.  There were loud voices, and youth truly worshiping God.  Katie did a great job (as usual) leading.

The first half of the summer we will be writing personal testimonies that we can share in 30 seconds, 2 minutes, or 10 minutes.  Each week one of our youth leaders will be sharing their testimony, and they will also be teaching the youth one aspect of creating their own testimony.  At youth group this week I shared my testimony.  Then the youth were instructed to make a list of the data which will make up their testimony.  I am a list kinda guy so my testimony looked like this...
  • 0 years old- born to a Christian family how taught me about Jesus.
  • 4 years old- I had a salvation moment while sitting on my Father's lap
  • 10 years old- at a summer camp I wondered how much I knew at 4 and I got "re-saved."  I did the sinner's prayer again.  However, I truly feel was already in a saving relationship with Christ.
  • 12 years old- I began youth group.  I learned how to pray, read my Bible, and share my faith.
  • 16 years old- on a mission trip in Charlevoix, Michigan I felt God's call into youth ministry.
  • 16 years old- My youth minster Raymond Timmerman began to train me in youth ministry.
  • 21 years old- I went to college and spent a year away from God.  I did not do the things to have relationship with my savior (church, Bible, praying).
  • 22 years old- God began to restore our relationship and I volunteered at young life and at ODPC youth group.
  • 23 years old- I was hired by First Baptist Church, NMB.
The students then took 15-20 minutes to write their "data" in their journals.  Next week Heather Phillips will give her testimony and we will begin linking the data into the narrative that God is writing with their lives.

We ended the evening by playing a few rounds of the game Ninja.

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