Sunday, June 20, 2010

My testimony at a handbell local concert

At the second local concert on June 18th at Southside Baptist I was asked to give a 3 minute testimony.

As a volunteer on the Handbell Tour I am able to see things you don't.  For instance, I like to take some time to sit behind the choir during practice.  Which offers a great view.  I get to look directly into Mr. Marks face during practice.  It is full of emotion and passion.  It is as if he is urging and pulling every note from the bells.

Tonight we've all seen a great performance, seen great music, and seen great worship.  During this service you've been privy to see the beauty of these teens.  You can see the fruit of their hard work and dedication  What you don't get to see in this hour is that these teens may show the love of God through the bells, but they show the love of God just as much when they are not holding a bell.

When I was asked to give my testimony I began to think about how God has taught me through the bells.  I realized God has touched me through knowing these teens.  These students love Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  It is my pleasure to watch them walk in the footsteps of the master, and the spiritual depth of these students is a direct reflection of their leader Mark Williams.

I Corinthians-
So whether you eat or drink (or ring a hand bell) whatever you do.  Do everything for the glory of God.

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