Thursday, June 16, 2011

Where We Are Heading...

Since March I have spent a great deal of time contemplating what would be the next step for my family.  My thoughts had me heading to serve as a youth director elsewhere,  or staying in Savannah and going to seminary in Jacksonville.  But God always goes before me and lays the path He intends for me to take.

This path happens to include seminary, but also a move back to my home town of N. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.  In the fall I plan to attend Gordon Conwell Seminary and work towards a Masters degree in Divinity.

A handful of people have asked, "Is there any way we can help your family?" Yes, there are ways to help us.

1- Prayer!  We would love to be covered in this time of transition.  And I will need your prayers to get through all of the reading I have to do during seminary!

2- We need help moving.  We will be loading up the truck Thursday, June 30th.  The pizza is on me, and if you are over 21 who knows what else might be floating around.

3- If you feel so lead, you can help my family be contributing to my seminary education.   It will cost  approximently $3,000 per semester between tuition, books, and travel expenses to the campus in Charlotte.  I have in the last year paid off my student loans, and I would love to complete seminary without picking up new student loan debt.  In the past, churches have been able to support seminary students by allowing contributions to go through their budgets, but due to IRS regulations now churches can lose tax exempt status by continuing this practice.  If you are interested in supporting me during my time in seminary you can send any checks to the address below.  Also, I will be sending out monthly e-mail blasts in addition to this blog here to keep people informed of how things with the Phillips' are going, and how you can pray for us.  If you are interested to be on that list, please let me know.    
Joey Phillips
705 33rd Ave S.
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

We love you all, and we are blessed and grateful to have served alongside you in God's ministry in Savannah for these last years.  We will continue to pray for the church and those we love, as we hope you pray for us.

Psalm 103: 1-5 reads...

Praise the LORD, my soul; 
   all my inmost being, praise his holy name. 
 Praise the LORD, my soul, 
   and forget not all his benefits— 
 who forgives all your sins 
   and heals all your diseases, 
 who redeems your life from the pit 
   and crowns you with love and compassion, 
 who satisfies your desires with good things 
   so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.