Saturday, June 11, 2011

If I made this look too easy...I'm sorry

 I recently left Christ Church where I served as the youth pastor for the past 6 years.  I believe one of my major responsibilities as an outgoing staff member of a church must be to protect the church.  It would have been really easy during my time of transitioning out of Christ Church to cause a lot of strife, but I believe that by consciously protecting the church relationships are saved, youth remain in a Christian body, people trust the leadership, people don't start looking for a new church, and youth don't walk away from church altogether.  I believe my attitude and actions during my time of leaving can directly effect people's relationship with Christ and with the church.

Since early March, when I knew I would be leaving, I have been working extremely hard to walk away with integrity, honor, and without complaining.  The problem I am having now is that I think I succeeded, and in the process maybe I made it look to easy.

I need my Christ Church friends to know two things:
The last few months have been very painful for me and my family.  We've shed a few tears over this.  I attempted to leave with integrity, but I think what I really did was climb under a rock.  I think I made it look simple and painless.  I am sorry for not being open about my feelings.

I don't agree with the decision.  I have weaknesses, but I have painstakingly (and successfully I might add) worked to shrink the weaknesses I have.  I am a more effective minister now than I was 6 years ago.  I truly believe that any small weaknesses I have are far outweighed by the success and fruit of the youth program.  I feel like I was forced to close a book in the middle of the chapter.

Please know that I write this because I have been haunted by the thought that I made this look too easy and  that it looked like I was happy with the decision.  I do not have any sour-grapes, nor do I mean any disrespect.  I care for deeply for the leadership at Christ Church, and I believe Christ Church has the desire and the heart to continue to minister effectively to youth.  I will miss you all.

If you need any more info facebook me, email me, or give me a call.


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