Friday, June 17, 2011

2 gifts, a french guy, and a cross.

I wrote this nearly three weeks ago.  I'm not really sure why I haven't posted it sooner.

Nathan Bistis called me on Friday and asked if I could fill in and do the children's homily for him this week.  I thought it might be nice to teach one last time in front of the entire congregation.  It would be a nice conclusion to the end of a 6 year tenure at Christ Church.  I checked The Book of Common Prayer and saw that one of the verses in the gospel reading was John 14:6.  What a great verse to be my last teaching moment with the children.

Today I am gonna tell you two true stories.  
There once was a man named Frederic Bartholdi.  Fredrick decided to give a gift to America.  Who knows what Fredrick gave to America?
Kids: "The Statue of Liberty!"
For a long time, when you became a citizen of America you would have to ride a boat past Ellis Island and past the Statue of Liberty.

The second story is about God.
I am oversimplifying here but...God wanted to give the people of Earth a gift, and he gave the gift of his son, Jesus.  There is only one way to become a citizen of Heaven and spend eternity with God, and that is to go by the cross of Jesus.

You may hear of a bunch of different ways you can get to heaven...
  • Be a good person
  • Do more good than bad
  • Get baptized
  • Go to church
...but there is only one way to get to heaven, and that is by believing in Christ and committing your life to him.

Just like in order to become a citizen of America (so many years ago) you must go by the Statue of Liberty, in order to become a citizen of Heaven you must go by the way of the cross of Christ.

John 14:6 (New International Version)

6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

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