Thursday, June 9, 2011

My life in Video Games

I had lunch today with an old friend (and former youth member) and his wife, Andrew and Brittany Davidson.  During our conversation Andrew and I talked about how video games have been such a part of our lives.  First off we both struggle with being competitive during games with our wives.  Heather complains about my competitive steak quite often.  If I was playing Madden football with Heather and I was winning 77-3 with 25 seconds on the clock.  I would first go for two and then try an onside kick.  Heather will not play video games with me anymore.

Andrew and my conversation went back to our game of choice, WWE Wrestling.  There was 4 of us who played this game all the time: me, Andrew Davidson, Josh Bell, and Chris Mattson.  But as competitive as we all were, none of us ever tried to win.  It was a game that went on for hours (and hours) with the goal of all four of us: to be the most aggravating.  Andrew's style of play was to use a simple kick to the stomach which for some reason could not be blocked.  I remember his character kicking Chris' character for a solid ten minutes and Chris unable to do anything about it (this might be where the name "Angry Chris" began).  Chris' style was to simply stand outside of the wrestling ring and wait for two characters to start fighting.  Once two of us were in the middle of a move he would grab a chair, slide into the ring, and start bashing everyone in sight.  He would continue to smash everyone senseless until someone would start to get up and then he would slide back out of the ring and wait in safety.  Josh would have his character run far away from everyone up the ramp to the entrance of the arena.  In order for the computer to keep everyone in the screen it would zoom out so far that everyone's character was the size of a pea.  If we ran to stop him he would just run back to the ring without fighting, and then once we came back to the ring he would run back to the entrance.  My style was to simply pick the character "Scotty to Hotty", and try to do my favorite move: "The Worm".  This move was ridiculous and it took over a full minute to do.  When ever I started to do this move on a character everyone would rush the ring to whip the snot out of my character and warn me no to try it again.  Once my character slipped back into consciousness, I would do it again.

Eventually someone would accidently trip into a win and pronouce, "I only won because I am better at this game all of you".  This would anger us into another multi-hour long game.

Andrew and Brittany, I enjoyed lunch today.
I love you guys, and I am better at that game than all of you.

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