Friday, October 22, 2010

Nolan answers the question...Why did the dog sneeze?

My children notice that I am a ham, a showoff, and that I am always trying to get the laugh.  Now my children are trying to mimic me.  They have learned the basics of the "why did the chicken cross the road" joke.  During most of my car rides, the boys take turns telling jokes in what they call the "Jokes Game."

Why did the man eat an orange?
Because he likes oranges?
(Hysterical laughter from all three boys.)

Why did the dog cross the road?
Because no cars were coming?
(Hysterical laughter from all three boys.)

These joke telling sessions go on forever.  They tell joke after joke after joke.  My 2-year old Levi even gets into it even though I can't understand anything he says.  James and Nolan understand enough that they think Levi is the funniest of the three of them.

Why did *gibberish gibberish gibberish*?
To *gibberish gibberish gibberish.* hahahaha.
(Hysterical laughter from the other two boys.)

Eventually one boy will begin to digress, and he will slip in the word "poopie."  Soon it is out of control.

Why did the poopie cross the road?
because he was lost?
(Hysterical laughter from all three boys.)

What did the poopie have for dinner?
(Hysterical laughter from all three boys.)

Poopie, poopie, poopie, poopie?
(Hysterical laughter from all three boys.)

This is about where I break up the joke telling session.

This morning Nolan told me a joke, and I have laughed all day about it.  I consider this Nolan's first real joke:

Why did the dog sneeze?
I don't know, Nolan.  Why did the dog sneeze?
Because it was stupid.

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