Tuesday, September 21, 2010

There is a cheater on America's Got Talent

We allowed James to stay up late and watch the finale of his favorite show,  "America's Got Talent."  David Copperfield was a special guest on the show.  He did a pretty cool trick and miraculously appeared out of nowhere on a motorcycle, revving his engine.  I looked over at Heather and James and both of their mouths were wide open.  In her amazed state Heather asked out loud to no one in particular, "How did he do that?"  James answered her quickly in a tone that was shocked at how she could not know the answer to such a simple question, "magic!"


After the finale was complete, James ducked his head and sadly sulked as he headed to bed.  I went in a moment later to tuck him in.  He was laying in bed with his eyes full of tears.  "Whats wrong?" I asked.  He answered, "That 10 year old girl should have won, but that guy cheated."
Deserved Winner?

Supposed cheater?

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