Friday, July 30, 2010

Middle School Mission Trip Recap July 15th-17th

Missionaries who attended the middle school mission trip 

  1. Marc Biemiller
  2. Zach Remick
  3. Daniel Hughes
  4. Meredith James
  5. Kaitlyn James
  6. Joseph Marshall
  7. Zack Page
  8. Allie Page
  9. Sharon Mays
  10. Joey Phillips

Our mornings:
       Each morning began with a 15 minute quiet time where the youth were instructed to read their Bibles and follow along in our worship booklet which was based on Hebrews 11.  The booklet followed the faith of 4 men of God; Abel, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham.

Our Afternoons:
       We spent a few hours each day doing mission work around Savannah.  Our main mission project was working with the Bonna Bella Bear Club.  Our youth advertised for and ran a outreach time with community kids at a local city park.
       Islands YMCA donated their pool to us for a couple hours each afternoon and it was very much appreciated.

Our Evenings:
Each evening began with dinner.  A special thanks goes out to Lenny's, on Drayton, for donating dinner to us on July15th.  After dinner each night we began our worship time where we spent more time talking about faith and the 4 men of God listed in our worship booklets.  On July 16th was a foot washing service which was very cool.  After each day was complete we  spent our late night time playing three hide-and-go-seek type games in the very dark parish house.  The first game was a youth group favorite called "Manhunt", the second was "Sardines", and the third was a game we invented which was kinda like Capture the flag except different and very hard to explain.

 Final Thoughts:
This years middle school mission trip was a great success.  The youth had great attitudes, great hearts, and they were all hard workers.  I am very proud of their service to God.

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