Thursday, July 15, 2010

Katie Kavanaugh is my favorite person right now

7 years ago a 10th grader named Katie Kavanaugh showed up at youth group.  This was when I was the youth director at the Church of the Cross in Bluffton, SC.  She came to youth group mainly because her best friend Lindsay had invited her, and not so mainly because Barrett Stephens was cute.  God immediately took hold of Katie and it was apparent that He was going to great things with her.  Not too long after her first visit she signed up to go on the mission trip, and It was during this trip that Katie accepted Jesus into her heart. Before Katie graduated from high school she knew God was calling her into full time youth ministry.  The year Katie was to graduate I left the church in Bluffton and was hired only 25 miles away in Savannah, GA.  When Katie graduated from High school she joined our youth ministry team in Savannah.  For the past 4 years she has been a youth leader at Christ Church.

Katie will be graduating in December and will begin searching for a youth ministry position in January.  She has recently decided that she will be stepping down as a member of the youth ministry team after the mission trip.  Her last youth group night was July 11th

It has been pure joy to be a ministry partner with Katie Kavanaugh for these past 4 years at Christ Church.  She is a wonderful woman and CCSM (Christ Church Student Ministry) will be reaping the benefits of her sacrifice and love for a long time.  Katie lives on Hilton Head Island and for the past 4 years she has driven each Sunday night, nearly a 2 hour round- trip drive, to share the love of Jesus to the youth.  When a youth struggles in their faith Katie is the first to give them a ear so they can talk through what they believe.  She has continued to minister to some youth for years after they left the church.  

Katie has a heart to see people became believers in and followers of Christ.  She has strong desire to worship God through music.  She is a fabulous worship leader, and an even better "lead worshiper" (there is a difference).  Katie has a powerful prayer life, and she is constantly searching for a deeper relationship with Christ.  It is for all these reasons and many more that she is one of the best leaders I have ever worked with.

You will be missed, and I look forward to when our youth groups can do an event together.
Your partner in ministry,

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