Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Bells of Christ Church Home Concert

The Bells of Christ Church
Outreach Tour to Appalachia and the Carolinas
June 20-27, 2010

The Home Concert (June 27th)
I should have posted this last week, but...Doh!

The bell concert was an enormous success in every way you could measure it.  There were 196 people present, our biggest audience on the tour.  The best attended home concert before this had been last years with 75 in attendance.  Most of the songs were performed to perfection, and I say almost only because Mark Williams said so (I thought it was perfect).  Mark also said it was only the second time the bell duet was played without any mistakes.  During the concert there was 3 standing ovations.  Sharon Mays and Matthew Robertson did repeat performances of their testimonies, and did them masterfully.  Mark took a minute to say goodbye the the graduating seniors (Matthew and Cole York).

In the past the bell concerts has not been well attended by our parishioners.  I was beginning to hear the rumblings of the youth ringer not feeling appreciated.  I believe the attendance of our parishioners and the energy we (the parish family) brought with us that night healed anyone who felt under-appreciated.  It is vitally important to tell our youth that they are important, and tell them we support them when they are involved in ministry.  We need the youth of today to truly feel apart of the church today.  We need to confirm they are an important part of worship and church life now, or they could possibly walk away tomorrow.  Teenagers need this confirmation because while they are more mature young adults, they still need to reassurance we offer the children in our church.  I watched the faces of the youth ringers as they walked out to perform and saw how many people were in attendance.  They felt loved, they felt reassured that their ministry matters to you their congregation. 

Thank you Christ Church for supporting the Bells of Christ Church, and for supporting the individual students involved.  The impact you've made by being present was a huge pat on the back.  The youth feel loved and appreciated, Thank You...and keep doing it.

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