Thursday, September 18, 2008

What I believe

My music list for today

“Counting Crows”

“Johnny Cash”



“The Goo Goo Dolls”

I walked to work today and I felt God challenging me on what I believe. When I got to the office I took sometime to write about what I believe.

My creed

  • I believe in protecting the planet

I believe it is an act of worship to take care of the earth God has given us. For some people it can be an act of worship to only eat veggies. For others it is an act of worship to try to protect animals. For me it is simple. I do my best to do the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse and recycle). This is acted out in my life in small ways. I take camping showers (turn on the water get wet, turn off the water, lather up, turn on the water, rinse off). The water is God’s. I turn off lights when I can, and I even use candles every now and then. It’s God electricity. It is my act of worship to do the 3 R’s.

  • I believe in taking care of my body.

My body is God’s gift to me. My gift to God is taking care of it. I worship God by eating grilled chicken rather than fried chicken. I feel Gods pleasure when I step on the scale and see that I am a few pounds lighter. God speaks to me in my silence as I walk to work, run on the treadmill, or swim laps. Counting my calories is worship; picking wheat tortillas rather than flour is worship; and eating at subway is worship.

  • I believe my wife comes only second to God

Other than God my wife is the second most important thing in my life. My wife is a gift from God, and I worship God when I take care of my wife, and I neglect God when I neglect my wife. I worship God when I buy flowers, when I wash the dishes, and when I rub her feet. Romancing my wife is my spiritual act of worship.

It is worship for me to model love to my wife in front of my children. It is worship when my children see me chose my wife instead of them.

  • I believe my children are the third most important things in my life behind my wife and my God

I spend a lot of my time changing diapers, dressing boys, wiping noses, and preparing baths. I play with matchbox cars, build huge Lego houses, and cover my living room floor with the intricate twist and turns of wooden train tracks. I watch Thomas the tank engine DVDs, use my Netflix movie to pick up the incredible, and let my oldest son stay up late to watch football. I play soccer, guide my son so he doesn’t hit cars with his tricycle, and I climb on jungle gym. Even second I give my children my undivided attention I am worshiping God. Playing with my boy is my spiritual act of worship.

  • I believe in Doctrine and Dogma

I believe in believing what is true even it makes me seem closed minded. I believe in speaking the truth even it labels me intolerant. I believe the Bible is the true word of God. Because of my belief in the Bible I must believe a few other things; I believe that belief in Jesus is the one and only way to God (John 14:6); I believe people go to hell for believing the wrong things (Galatians 1:8); I believe a Christian is called to live a holy life (Romans 12:1).

I believe the Christian faith has the right answers. We worship God by believing the right things.

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