Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Weekend Update 9/30/08

My Playlist

The first two bands are from the “Run Fat Boy Run” soundtrack. They are punk bands you would hear in an English pub.

“The Fratellis” (Chelsea Dagger is a phenomenal song)

“The Rumble Strips”

"Dirty Pretty Things"

"Matt Costa"

"Xavier Rudd"

Movies this weekend


Speed Racer

Run Fat Boy Run


The Fam’

James (4 years old)

Liza Johnson and Troy Dolin were at my house this week. The two of them and Heather and I were all sitting around the kitchen table talking. James was sitting with us being quiet, playing with his cars, but absorbing everything we were saying like a sponge. At one point in the conversation I asked what the time was. Liza answered, “I have 10:20”. Troy jumped in, “I have 10:10”. James looked up from his cars and quickly said I don’t have any change”.

Nolan (2 years old)

Nolan just learned that he is tough. He runs through the house hitting or pushing James in the back and then running away. Nolan also yells “no” al the time. The worst thing is that he is cute when he does it, so he can see me sometimes smile or laugh.

Levi (2 months old)

Levi is not sleeping as well through the night. He rests great during the day, but that doesn’t help Heather who is exhausted. Levi also has a fat little second chin that looks like a goiter.

Youth Group

This weekend we did the third lesson in a lesson I am calling “Shotgun”. We had 40 people show up this week. Heather taught the high school and I taught the middle school. Both lessons went well. For the game we had three guys come forward and sit down. Then three girls came forward and lathered them up like they were getting a shave. When the music started the girls had to throw popcorn and have it stick to the shaving-creamed faces (Thanks to Eliza Hallock for vacuuming up afterwards).

I was also very happy Katie made braided necklaces because she was not taking during the lesson,

What God is teaching me?

My Family and my relationship with Him is the most important. Everything else will work it self out.

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