Sunday, August 14, 2011

For the Phillips' Life is a Beach

Three stories from our day at the beach...

James gives gas advise:
Before we headed to the beach, we took the golf cart to the gas station to pick up a couple drinks.  While I was inside a man drove up to the gas pump in the wrong direction.  Instead of moving his car around, he just pulled the gas hose over the top of the car.

As he began pumping the gas, James stood up in the back of the golf cart and yelled to the man, "Sir, next time you should think about pulling your car in the other direction."  The man just shook his head.

Nolan makes cakes:
We spent some time playing in the sand; we dug for sand fiddlers, buried Nolan up to his stomach, and used sand to make a mer-man (what the boys call a male mermaid) out of James.  At one point Nolan approached Heather with a huge, flat, handful of wet sand.

"Look Mom I made a sweetie pie!"
"A what?"
"A sweetie pie!"
"I think you mean a mud pie."
"Why do you call it a sweetie pie?"
"Because I made it for you!"

A moon underwater
James was hit by a big wave.  He came from under the water gasping for breath.  Then he said, "That wave knocked my pants down, but it's ok only the crabs saw my butt!"


Anonymous said...

I love reading your stories Joey. You are a great family man!

Joey said...

Thank you Teowonna. It's great to hear that you read these silly things.