Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The first day of school for the Phillips family

Levi was left out
After dropping James off at the Elementary school and Nolan off at the Primary school Heather, Levi, and I headed home.  When we got to the house we saw that Levi's (3 yrs. old) bottom lip was poked out and his eyes were full of tears.  When Heather asked Levi what was wrong his lip started to quiver and he had the saddest look on his face.  Then he answered through tears, "Dad forgot to take me to MY school".

James' favorite part of school
Heather:  What was you favorite part of school?
James:  I didn't have one!
Heather:  There had to be one thing you liked.
James:  Nope! No wait!  I liked that on the bus ride home me and all of the other boys were pooting.

Nolan's teacher
There was not a specific story about Nolan, but you can only imagine what a joy it is to listen to him say his teachers name: Mrs Rinseburger.  Winse-buh-guh

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