Wednesday, January 26, 2011

All Knuckleheads glorify the Lord

"I'm not gifted enough for God to use me.  God can't use me because of my past."   Really?

Abraham and Sarah were too old. (Genesis 18:14).  
Joseph was abused as a child, (Genesis 50:20).
David (1 Samuel 1-21), Moses (Exodus 2:11-14), and Paul (2 Corinthians 12:9)
were murderers
Gideon was scared to death. (Judges 6 & 7)
Rahab was a prostitute. (Joshua 2:1-22)
Timothy was too young, (1 Timothy 4:12)
Elijah was suicidal. (1 kings 19:3-5)
Naomi was a widow. (Ruth 1)
Jonah initially ran away from God, but was given another chance. (Book of Jonah)

Job lost everything, and God glorified Himself through it. (Book of Job)  
Peter was an impulsive hot-head. (John 18:1-10)
The disciples fell asleep praying (Matthew 26:36-45)
Martha was a worry-wart (Luke 10:38-42)
Mary Magdalene was demon-possessed (Luke 8:1-2)
The Samarian woman was divorced five times (John 4:7-26))
Zaccheus was too short...and a thief (Luke 19: 1-10)
and Lazarus was dead. (John 11:1-45)

God wants to use you.  God loves to uses ill-equipped, the wounded, the broken, and the sinful to further his kingdom.  God uses knuckleheads.

The idea for this blog came from a ministry called God thoughts

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