Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Letter to 36 year old Joey Phillips

Dear 36 year old Joey Phillips,

I am writing you because I heard you had (and let me quote you here) “a long exhausting day” at Camp Araminta.  Well of course you’re exhausted.  You started your day by waking up early and heading to breakfast.  Immediately after breakfast you lead Capture the Flag for an hour.  The next two hours was a game of Slip-n-slide Baseball (which is, of course, baseball with inflated swimming pools as the bases and slip-n-slides as the base lines).  You then had an hour nap.  Later you played “Curly Shuffle” and “Signs” with a group of nine teenagers for 30 minutes.  Then you had to talk about Jesus with those teens for the next half hour.  This was followed by an hour in the pool, an hour playing Ultimate Frisbee, and eating hamburgers and drinking pink lemonade with a spoon.  After dinner you had an hour of leading trust games and an hour of dodge ball.  Wow! You do have it tough.  Think how easy you could have had it if you had only got a real job.

I am going to pray tonight that God will give me a time machine so I can come to the future and kick your butt.

Sincerely yours,
16 year old Joey Phillips

P.S. Never forget that what you are doing is exactly what you were praying for at 16.  You are so lucky.

1 comment:

Joey said...

Dear 16 year old Joey,
I know, and thanks.

36 year old Joey

P.S. bring it on!