Monday, August 23, 2010

Fun & Tough Summer

A Tough Phillips’ Family Summer
This has been an absolutely exhausting summer for the Phillips family.  It has also been a lot of fun, but I’m glad the insanity is over.

  • June 20th-27th  The first week this summer when all students were out of school Heather and I both went on the Bell tour.  My sister-in-law was kind enough to take all three of our children for the week.  Wait…Let me try that sentence again.  My sister-in-law was insane enough to take all three of our children for the week.  It is always a blast to partner with Mark Williams, but this was the first 8 days I was away from my children.    
  • June 28th-July 2nd  The day after our hand bell home concert we began a week long Vacation Bible School.  Heather and I were both teachers for two different groups.  I was simply a helper to two great teachers, John and Liz Albert.  Heather actually created from scratch a brand new 7th and 8th grade VBS track.  The 7th and 8th grade track included teaching times, huge games, and mission work.  It was lots of work…Heather is awesome.  I was of course home with my family during this time, but I was whipped.  I had to work double duty all week in order to do VBS and to be prepared for the two coming mission trips.  We would eat lunch (before I went back to work) and dinner as a family, hang out a little before the boys' bedtime and repeat again the next day.
  • July 15th-18th  The in-town middle school mission trip was the first time we did a mission trip for JUST this age group.  Up until now, students in 7th grade and up could attend one trip together.  It was an awesome time.  The youth not only served Christ through the mission work, but they also continued to build relationships with each other.  It was a great few days, but it was another 4 days away from my wife and children.
  • July 18th-24th Then the high school mission trip to Jacksonville, FL.  The spiritual impact of this trip was immeasurable.  The youth worked their tails off serving Christ.  They helped a lot of people who needed a hand, and they honored God every step of the way.  It was another 7 days away from my family.
  • July 19th-26th  James (my 6-year old) attended his first sleep away camp.   This was a great opportunity for James, and he had a great time.  It did make me a bit sad because James was not at home waiting for me when I returned from the mission trip.  
  • July 30th-August 7th  Camp Arimenta is a camp for 4th-8th graders, with high schoolers serving as the counselors and counselors in training.  I lead the activities team, and I am the teaching director for the Flight Crew (the 9th & 10th grade assistants).  This is a retreat offered by the Gulf Atlantic Diocese.  It is run by the youth of the diocese, with a dozen adults as overseers.  The youth lead games, chaperone the cabins, serve dinner, and pretty much everything else.  This is an amazing time for the children coming to the camp and for the youth who lead it.  It was another 9 days away from my entire family.
Time Off
In a period of 49 days, I was away from my family for 27 days.  It has not been good on my family or my sanity. I know there are military families who live large portions of life away from each other, and families where travel for business takes a parent away much more than I was away this summer.  I do realize that this has been a season in my life, and I can now slow down.  I have purposely left the calendar clear, other than youth group, and I will keep it clear for the rest of August, all of September, and most of October.  Please pray for my family, especially my boys.  My kids on the other hand do not understand that this is only a season, and they get anxious when I am not around.  I have been looking forward to getting into a routine again and spending time with my family, and that time is here finally.  

Sorry for the whining. :)

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