Does Augustine hold the secret for healing from the sin of
Since the beginning of
time God has used humans with notable flaws to further His kingdom. Saint Augustine of Hippo was one of these flawed
men. Augustine struggled with doubt, juvenile crime, but his greatest flaw was
his issues with lust and sex. Eventually
freed from the bondage sin and lust had on him, Augustine became a Bishop and
theologeon. His writing helped to
develop Western Christianity. Henry Chadwick, a early church therologeon,
speaks to Augudstine’s influence by pointing out that “Anselm, Aquinas, Petrarch (never without a pocket copy of
confessions), Luther, Bellarmine, Pascal, and Kierkeguard all stand in the
shade of his broad oak.” Augustine is considered one of the most
influential men in Christian history.
The struggles Augustine has with lust are nearly
identical to the struggles of many men today; they are attacked by the sin of
lust, but very few of today’s men get healing and restoration from the
sin. Augustine followed a process, which
helped him to heal from the sin of lust, and he became a great man of God. That restoration and healing is available for
men today if they choose to pursue it.
Augustine’s issues with
sex and lust began with his lack of understanding God. His mother attempted to raised using the
teachings of the Bible, but he had
abandoned her teaching and had begun to follow other religions and
philosophies. When Augustine wrote about
his youth he saw it as so perverse that he described it as, "my past wickedness and the carnal corruptions of my soul." When he was sixteen Augustine went to
Carthage to continue his studies, but his issues with lust escalated. "I came to Carthage, where a cauldron of
illicit loves leapt and boiled about me. I was not yet in love, but I was in
love with love" (Confessions book III). When he was eighteen, Augustine took a
concubine, a year later they had a child (out of wedlock) together. Augustine had a committed relationship with
her for over thirteen years; later he called this relationship a “lustful love”. Augustine was controlled by lust so deeply
that the fulfillment of the lust felt like a need. “The enemy held my will; and of it he made a chain and bound me. Because
my will was perverse it changed to lust, and lust yielded to became habit, and
habit not resisted became necessity” (Confessions VIII.5). Augustine’s lust kept him from connecting to
God. Augustine famously said to God the
sentiment that many people have thought, "Grant me chastity and continence, but not yet." Augustine wanted to be a man of virtue, but
he was not yet ready to give up the pleasure of lust.
Augustine’s mother who had been urging him towards
Christ since he was a child convinced Augustine that abandoning his life of sin
and get married would help him to be a virtuous man. Augustine agreed with his mother; he left his
concubine and took a 10-year-old girl as his fiancé. Augustine was not faithful; while he waited
for her to become old enough to marry he cheats on her. True restoration does not begin for Augustine
until he has a sincere connection with Christ.
Lust had a tight hold on
Augustine. He wrote, “Clouds of muddy carnal concupiscence filled
the air. The bubbling impulses of puberty befogged and obscured my heart so
that it could not see the difference between love’s serenity and lust’s
darkness. Confusion of the two things boiled within me. It seized hold of my
youthful weakness sweeping me through the precipitous rocks of desire to
submerge me in a whirlpool of vice” (Confession II.2). Augustine began to
have a realization that he needed freedom, but he was not able to free
himself. Augustine began his quest for
the ability to love God. In the eighth
book of Confessions he told of a day when he was praying in a garden. He cried
out to God, tore his hair, and struck himself on the forehead. Augustine was in agony over his sin, and the
bondage which held him. He wanted the
unhealthy “love” of lust to be replaced with something good, but he
struggled. Only when Augustine took hold
of the truth of the cross was he able to be freed from the bonds of lust. I began to search for a means of finding the strength I
needed to enjoy You, but I could not find this means until I embraced the
mediator between God and man(Confessions VII.18). It was not until he embraced Christ and His saving love on the cross that
Augustine was able to be free. While he
was still in the garden, Augustine heard a call to the second part of his
Burdened by sins, Augustine was praying in the garden
he cried out to God, “How
long, how long, tomorrow,
and tomorrow? Why not now? why not is there this hour an end to my uncleanness?” While was crying to God, he heard a child’s voice
calling from a neighboring house. The
voice simply called, “Take up and read”. Initially Augustine thought a child’s
game was being played, but he finally realized it was a call from God to read
the Scriptures. Augustine opened his
Bible randomly to Romans 13:13 which read, “Let us behave
decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual
immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think
about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.” After reading these
two verses Augustine felt no need to read any more, because he immediately felt
God touch his heart. Augustine was
healed. In his book “The Legacy of Soverign joy”, John Piper refers to
this garden conversioin experience as “one
of the most important days in church history.
The temptation of lust, which tortured Augustine, is
the same temptation which seeks to enslave people today. The sin of lust puts a wedge between people
and God; it hinders them from becoming the men or women God created them to
be. The one major difference between
Augustine’s culture and today’s culture is the accessibility of online
Walt Mueller, the president of the Center for
Parent/Youth Understanding, was asked, “What is the cultural change parents of
teens should be most concerned about?”
He answered, “It is the growing
pervasiveness and accessibility of online pornography. It is shaping how an entire generation is
thinking about themselves, about others and about the wonderful God-given gift
of their sexuality. And to be honest,
where I think it’s leading our kids is very, very frightening.” Young people are dealing with the same
temptations of lust that Augustine did, but online pornography has made the
availability of lust simple and instant.
According to family Safe Media 42% of all Internet users view
pornography, and 90% of youth between the ages of eight-sixteen do. Online pornography destroys men, women,
children, and it destroys marriages; but most of all it destroys our
relationship with God.
Saint Augustine’s relationship with God was hindered
until he dealt with his issue of lust.
Today we have many people whose usefulness to God has been stifled
because they have allowed pornography to possess power over them; like
Augustine they are unable to reach their God-given potential until they deal
with this issue. Augustine wrote about
the power lust had over him, “my old
mistresses, still enthralled me; they shook my fleshly garment, and whispered
softly, do you part with us? And from
that moment shall we no more be with you forever.” Augustine found lust very hard to leave, but
in order to be a man of God a person must break free from its power. Lust is wrong; it is contrary to the teachings
of the Bible.
Online pornography is scripturally wrong. It is true that there is no place in
scripture, which states, “Thou shalt not look at porn”, however the Bible is
very clear that men should abstain from sexual sin. The Bible says, “Do not commit adultery” (Ex 20:14). Jesus went a step further and
said sin was not just what we do but also what we think. Jesus said, “You have heard
that it was said, do not commit adultery.
But I tell you, everyone who looks at a woman to lust for her has already
committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:27-28). According to Jesus, looking at a woman (on a
porn website) and lusting after her is adultery.
The Gospel story has exactly what a person needs to be
freed from the bondage of online pornography.
According to the Barna Institute porn viewers overwhelmingly believe
they are unloved. The Gospel affirms
that you are loved. Christ’s death on
the cross is the greatest example of love the world has ever seen. Romans 5:8 reads, “But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still
sinners, Christ died for us!”
Understanding Christ’s death on the cross helps us to
loath the sin of lust and understand the depths of its depravity; we see that
our sins are costly. Our sins are the cause
for the gruesome death Christ paid on the cross. Romans 4:25 states, “He was delivered up for
our trespasses and raised for our
justification.” If we can grasp the destruction
our sin caused Christ, then we can begin to grasp the repugnance of our sin. Porn is disgusting, and it should produce
shame. In order to be redeemed from the
bondage of online pornography one needs to pursue the cross. “But thanks be to God, who gives us the
victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” (I Corinthians 15:57). Our love for Christ must be more beautiful
than the form of a woman; our love for Christ must bring us more pleasure than
masturbation; our love for Christ must be more intense that the desire for
pornography; Loving Christ any less is idolatry.
Scripture points to the fact that sin is not an
unimportant thing. Sin is deadly and
costly. In Matthew 18:9 Jesus says, “And if your eye causes your downfall, gouge
it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye,
rather than to have two eyes and be thrown into hellfire!” In this passage Jesus is noting the seriousness of sin. Sin has eternal consequences. Scripture is important because it shows how
serious the sin of lust is, but it is also important because it shows that once
we are connected to the cross our sin no longer condemns us. “Therefore, no condemnation now exists for
those in Christ Jesus, because the Spirit’s law of life in Christ Jesus has set
you free from the
law of sin and of death” (Romans 8:1). A person trapped by pornography
is typically afraid of being caught. He
is afraid of condemnation, but there is no condemnation for those who are in
Christ and Scripture are what can draw us out of
sin. Through Christ we know we are
loved; through Scripture, we can know that lust is wrong; through Scripture, we
know we can escape condemnation. This
information is all a person needs to begin breaking the bondage of lust.
Augustine‘s life and writings are still relevant to
the Christian world today, but his ministry was stunted because of his
infatuation with the sin of lust. With
God’s help he conquered his battle with lust through an understanding of the
cross and guidance of the Scriptures.
This should be great hope to the huge numbers of men who are enslaved to
lust through online pornography. There
is freedom through the cross and scripture, but until men claim this freedom
and break free from the power online pornography has over them, there will
continue to be a void of great intelligent Christian thinkers.
How sweet all at once it was for me to be rid of those fruitless joys
which I had once feared to lose and was now glad to reject! You drove them from
me, you who are the true, the sovereign joy. You drove them from me and took
their place, you who are sweeter than all pleasure, though not to flesh and
blood, you who outshine all light yet are hidden deeper than any secret in our
hearts, you who surpass all honour though not in the eyes of men who see all
honour in themselves. O Lord my God, my Light, my Wealth, and my Salvation”
(Confessions IX.1).
Work Cited
"The Barna
Group - Young Adults Struggle." The
Barna Group - Young Adults and Liberals Struggle with Morality. N.p., n.d.
Web. 17 Dec. 2012.
Mueller, Walt.
"CPYU | The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding." CPYU || The Center for Parent/Youth
Understanding. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2012.
Luther: Man Between God and the Devil, p. 102
Piper, John. The Legacy of Sovereign Joy: God's
Triumphant Grace in the Lives of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin. Wheaton,
IL: Crossway, 2000. Print.
Safe Media - Pornography_stastics." Family
Safe Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2012.
Augustine. Confessions. N.p.: Wyatt
North, 1955.
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