Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Nuggets of Joy from the Phillips children

3 conversations we've had with our children recently.

My 4 year old, Levi.
"mom, I have an idea. Nolan can wear a Levi costume, I can wear a James costume, and James can wear a Nolan costume. That would be funny. But maybe dad can wear a Joey costume, you can wear a heather costume, and I can wear a Levi costume. That is easier. Let's do that."

My 6 year old Nolan.
Today at school we learned about Bullies. They are mean, they break stuff, they have a bag to take money, and they like shiny things.

My 8 year old James.
I drank my icee too quickly, and while in immense pain I said, "brain-freezes is the worst".
James answered, "That's not true Dad.  Lots of things are worse than brain-freeze.  Lava is worse.  Brain-freeze only lasts for a minute, Lava lasts forever.

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