Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Levi learns the facts of life

My wife is pregnant...That's right...and yes again!  Now be quiet and read the cute story about Levi.

My wife is pregnant, and she and my youngest son  Levi (3 years old) have been arguing about the baby.  Anytime we talk about the baby Levi simply says, “we are not having a baby”.  Finally Levi has conceded the fact that Heather was pregnant.
Levi:  So we are having a baby soon.
Heather:  No, not soon it will be a long time from now.
Levi:  Will we get the baby from the store?
Heather:  No! Mommy is making the baby, and it is in her stomach.
Levi:  (With a puzzled look) YOU ATE THE BABY!  That’s not very nice.

Most kids who are around their pregnant Mom have a moment like this, but my favorite part of this story is the matter-of-fact way Levi said..."That's not very nice".

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