Saturday, September 3, 2011

An oddly successful season

I wrote this back in June.  I wrote it kinda for myself.  It helped me to heal through a tough time, but before I put it on my blog I wanted to make sure I was not harboring any sour-grapes.  I did not want this post to be a "in your face" look how awesome I am TD celebration, but I do want to shine a big spotlight on God and what he is still doing around me and through me.  As future youth ministry opportunities are opening up and with seminary just around the corner it felt like the time to post this.

In mid-March I was told I would be let go from the church where I had served for the past 6 years (my last day would be June 1st).  I spent next couple weeks feeling sorry for myself, whining, and complaining (mostly to myself).  Since then I have had some time to reflect about the past few months, and I have to realize that as odd as it may seem this season of my life has been an extremly successful one.  As a matter of fact, God has blessed me as much as He ever has since I began doing ministry.
  • 2 days after I was told I would be let go 2 youth made decisions to commit their lives to Christ.
  • I had the honor to lead a youth to Christ a few days later.
  • One of my former youth, who I have had the pleasure of mentoring since her 9th grade year, just accepted a job as a full time youth director in Savannah, GA.
  • A few weeks ago, 2 former youth who I have discipled since their 6th grade year were married.  Both of them were virgins on their wedding day.
  • In late May we had our annnual Senior night.  You almost need to be there to understand what a blessing this evening was.  Youth laid hands on each other, prayed for each other, and experienced God is an amazing tangable way.
  • The youth handbell choir took their week long mission trip.  I did not go, but it was reported to me that during Daniel Hughes' testimony he spoke of the time he and I met weekly during confirmation as one of the major factors that contributed to his faith.
  • Many of last years seniors have returning home from college after their freshman year.  Most of these young men and women have returned with their faith in tact and they are actively pursuing the disciplines of the faith.
I have been a Christ follower for over 30 years, and God has been with me all that time.  For 18 years of youth ministry God has poured blessings on me, and those blessings are continuing.  God has not removed his blessing from me, my family, or the ministry in which He has called me.  I have attempted to faithfully follow God into the unknown: full disclosure...I did it kicking and screaming.  God has begun to reveal a small glimpse of what is to come, and He is begining to replace any frustration and cofusion I have with excitement and antcipation.  God has been all over me for over 30 years, and He is showing no signs of going away any time soon.

1 comment:

Sheila Sulak said...

Youth Ministry is such a long term investment! What you plant today sometimes does not sprout till 10+ years later. For that commitment (despite seeing the results) you are to be commended but as you say ALL the glory belongs to Him.
I want you to know: you blessed my family, you blessed me and you blessed many I know with your work. Thank you!
Sheila Sulak