Saturday, September 17, 2011

Nolan and James create a new creed

This week I was driving my oldest two boys, James (7 years old and Nolan 5 years old)to school.  During our ride we practiced our memory verse, talked about how to act in school, and then had a small dose of theology.

Me:  Nolan, what do you know about Jesus?
Nolan:  Nothing
Me:  Is Jesus God's son?
Nolan: (a mischievous grin crossed his face) Maybe!
Me:  Did Jesus die on a cross?
Nolan:  Maybe!
Me:  Did Jesus rise from the dead?
Nolan: Maybe
(clearly it was time to move on)
Me:  James, tell me something about Jesus.
James:  Well, he was with God at the beginning, and he helped to create Earth and the universe.  Then he created cars.
Me: Cars?  He created cars?
James: He created people, and then he created all of the stuff that goes into cars.  Then he made people put them together.
Me:  Do you know anything else about Jesus?
James:  He died on a cross and then...
Nolan: (interrupting excitedly) HE RAISED FROM THE DEAD!
Me:  Ok, Nolan, what else do you know about Jesus?
Nolan: Nothing
James: It was my turn Dad...Well, he died on a cross, and then one of his servants came and carried him to a tomb.  He wrapped him up so he would not stink.  Dead people stink, Dad!  The 3 days later he rose from the dead.  Now he is alive in heaven with God...oh, yea, and in my heart!