Thursday, December 24, 2009

CCSM Weekend Update 12/20/09

My Playlist
I headed to, clicked on the music link at the top of the page, and downloaded a lot of Christmas songs. All are great, but my favorite is "I heard the Bells on Christmas day"

Lesson: Christmas Party

Talk in a Sentence: No talk, just Baby Jesus lovin fun.

Matthew 1:18-25 (The Nativity story)

This was a covered dish evening. The food was great. Alexia' brought cookie dough, refused to cook it, cut it into slices, and put it on a platter. We had hot chocolate, meatballs, tera misu, cookies, cake balls, and more more more.

I have never done this before, and I was skeptical at how it might work. I downloaded three of my favorite songs, typed the music onto a powerpoint slide, and the youth sang with the ipod. Suprisinly this went well. I will try this again next time i dont have a music leader.

Game: We did a white elephant gift exchange. Most popular gifts were a $10 Starbucks gift card, a suction cup pistol, and a suction cup blowdart. Mucho fun.

Moment of the night: I was forced to put Zach Remick into "the million dollar dream" when he would not calm down.

After youth group:
All of our leaders headed to outback for our Christmas dinner. This was a wonderful time

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