Thursday, December 24, 2009

CCSM Weekend Update 12/20/09

My Playlist
I headed to, clicked on the music link at the top of the page, and downloaded a lot of Christmas songs. All are great, but my favorite is "I heard the Bells on Christmas day"

Lesson: Christmas Party

Talk in a Sentence: No talk, just Baby Jesus lovin fun.

Matthew 1:18-25 (The Nativity story)

This was a covered dish evening. The food was great. Alexia' brought cookie dough, refused to cook it, cut it into slices, and put it on a platter. We had hot chocolate, meatballs, tera misu, cookies, cake balls, and more more more.

I have never done this before, and I was skeptical at how it might work. I downloaded three of my favorite songs, typed the music onto a powerpoint slide, and the youth sang with the ipod. Suprisinly this went well. I will try this again next time i dont have a music leader.

Game: We did a white elephant gift exchange. Most popular gifts were a $10 Starbucks gift card, a suction cup pistol, and a suction cup blowdart. Mucho fun.

Moment of the night: I was forced to put Zach Remick into "the million dollar dream" when he would not calm down.

After youth group:
All of our leaders headed to outback for our Christmas dinner. This was a wonderful time

Thursday, December 17, 2009

CCSM Weekend Update 12/13/09

CCSM Weekend Update 12/13/09

My Playlist
“BNL Christmas album”
“Joy to the world” a Christmas album from Ed Cash, Allen Levi, and Bebo Norman.

Lesson: Born to Bleed

Talk in a Sentence: Christmas need to be less consumer and secular driven and a lot more about baby Jesus and his purpose.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Matthew 1:18-25 (The Nativity story)

John 15:19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

Some detail from the talk: This weekend we talked about the fact that as Christians our citizenship is in heaven and we should live a bit outside the normal culture. Christmas for most folks is consumer and secular driven. While we Christians should enjoy the gifts, the lights, the color, and the magic of Christmas we need to keep our focus on Jesus. We need to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and we need to be aware of His purpose for coming to earth. His purpose is to show us a better way to live and to die so through belief in Him we can live eternally.

Game: We played a table game where I gave groups extremely wordy sentences. The groups had to figure out which Christmas Carol the sentence was about.
We also played a round of “Who wants to be a hundred-dollar-aire. The crowd got into watching this game more than I thought they would. Hallie had fun, but was a bit perturbed when she only won 10 cent.

Moment of the night: It was during my lesson that a 6th grade girl learned that Santa is not real. It was painful. As one of my leaders left the youth room he jokingly yelled back to me, “great youth group tonight, you jerk”.

What God is teaching me?
My body belongs to God, and it is my responsibility to take care of it to do his work.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Youth Ministry Stories #3 (Raymond's office/newspaper)

Youth Ministry Stories #3 (Raymond's Office/ Newspaper)

I am compiling stories for the past 17 years of youth ministry. This one predates me being in ministry. This story is from Lakeside Baptist Church, in North Myrtle Beach, SC. I was a junior in High School.

Youth Ministry #3 (Raymond's Office/ Newspaper)
When I was a junior in high school my youth director, Raymond Timmermann, was heading out of town on vacation for a week. Penny Jackson and I headed over to say goodbye to him, although we did have other plans. We hung out and talked with with him for a bit, and right before we had to leave I told him to have a good trip and gave him a hug. Penny stepped in to say goodbye and when he hugged her, I stepped back and unlocked his window. That afternoon Raymond left town with his family.

Penny, about 6 other youth (which I am sorry I can't remember who), and I headed to the public dumpsters, where next to the trash was a recycle bin for unused newspaper. We climbed in the dumpster and loaded all the newspapers we could into our cars. We headed back to Lakeside Baptist Church, opened the unlocked window, and put all of the stacks of newspapers in his office. For the next 4-5 days after school we sat in his office talking, balling up papers, and throwing the paper on the floor until after midnight.

Raymond returned on Sunday morning, and He headed straight to his office to pick up the Sunday school lesson notes he would be teaching from, unaware of the group of teens that were peeking around the corner, watching as he tries (to no avail) to open his office door. He could only open the door about 4 inches, and he could see balled up newspaper everywhere the door was able to open. He eventually climbed in his office, while we laughed our tails off. His desk, chairs, and bookcases were totally covered. The side of the room where his door was was filled to the ceiling. The rest of the room was over half full.

I was remembered this event when I headed out of town for my family vacation. When I returned I found two pizza boxes taped to my door. I headed inside the office to find everything (scissors, stapler, books, DVDs, CD's, puppets, toys,)taped to the walls and ceiling. I am glad my youth leaders encouraged my youth to have an enjoyable evening, and I thank them for initiating their own demise.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Gospel according to Ketchup

I stole this from Katie's Facebook info page.

(Sarcastically) "Oh, I'm sorry...Jesus must not have been right when he said good things happen when you do good to others."

Actually, it was good things happen to those who wait, and it was Heinz who said it- not Jesus.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Youth Ministry Stories #2 (Lindsey Neislar vs. Heather's elbow)

I am compiling stories for the past 17 years of youth ministry. This one is from First Presbyterian Church, in Athens Georgia. Heather and I were newlyweds. I worked there around 2000-2002.

Youth Ministry #2 (Lindsey Neislar vs. Heather's elbow)

We were hosting a “Disciple Now” event with a handful of other churches. All of the students, about 150 total, spent Friday night and Saturday morning doing bible study, prayers, and worship, and Saturday afternoon we visited a nursing home. Afterward, we loaded up our 15 passenger van and began a 30 minute drive to our final event of the weekend.

I was driving the van, and my wife, Heather, was sitting in the middle of the seat behind me. Directly behind her was Lindsey Neislar, a middle schooler, and Kevin Weir, one of our high schoolers.

Heather was a newbie to FPC who the object of punishment from the youth, and Lindsey and Kevin made it their objective to aggravate her, which I wholeheartedly encouraged.

As a part of this torture, Kevin had delivered one of his famous theories on life. According to Kevin (at the time) people were really made of marshmallows. I could go on to answer all of your questions as to why he felt this way, but we'll all be smarter if I just skip it.

Lindsey thought this was an excellent theory, and went on to tease Heather, "I am really hunger right now. I think some marshmallow would do the trick." Lindsay kept pretending to lean forward and bite the elbow of Heather (who had rested her arm over the seat). Several minutes was all Heather could bear, so she threatened him, "If you don't stop, I'm going to elbow you in the face." Now, Heather would never actually do this, but...

Well, you can call it fate, destiny, God's provenience, but as Heather lifted her elbow to symbolically show her threat, I hit a HUGE pothole in the road. Lindsey's face did indeed met Heather's elbow as the bump in the road lurched him forward into it.

Lindsey immediately grabbed his nose and put his face down in his lap. When he sat back up a few seconds later his nose was pouring blood. Heather was bouncing around the van in a panic trying to find paper towels and saying “sorrysorrysorrysorry” over and over. Lindsey, however, had begun laughing and trying to cup the blood so it would not get all over the van. We missed the last “Disciple Now” session trying to clean up his face and the van. I had to get the rental van shampooed.

Needless to say, the marshmallow theory was never mentioned again.

Friday, October 16, 2009

3 Rules for CCSM Leaders and Facebook

3 Rules for CCSM Leaders and Facebook

We love that our volunteers are on Twitter and Facebook! It seems like everyone is enjoying the benefits of social networking these days. Most use the technology to our groups’ benefit, though from time to time we’ve had to have conversations about leaders putting thing online that are inappropriate. Apply these three simple guidelines when updating social networks:

Remember what you post is public
Here’s the big deal – a joke that is funny between a few friends might not be funny at all out of context or in the harsh light of public view. Remember that everything you post – picture, status update or essay, becomes completely public the second you push submit. You can never really take it back once its out there, so be wise and use discernment with everything you post.

Remember what you post influences students
Your students are checking out your profile. They look up to you. They are eager to make a connection with you, and since they’re always on Facebook they’ll almost always see what you post. But it is so much more than just seeing – what you say, what you value, what you show yourself doing – it all influences students – the good, bad and ugly. When you give an inch, they may take it a mile. Of course, it works the other way as well, when you use social media positively, it can have a significant encouraging influence on them, too.

Remember what you post is a reflection on CCSM and Christ Church
Your character and faith is reflected in every post that you make so if you are doubtful about something, here’s a simple rule to follow: DON’T POST IT. Just like behavior on a youth ministry trip is a reflection on the church and student ministry, know that what you post adds or detracts to the reputation of the church and ministry … and ultimately Christ.


New Small group leader for some CCSM Leaders

@MaybeKt So thankful we got a small group leader--my only small group leader I've ever had and one of the most spiritually capable women I know :)

Great news about Priscilla being Katie and Desiree Duff's new small group leader. Awesome. Woo Hoo.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Youth Group FAIL

I can blame my ADD which was in full force, or the fact that I was trying some new things, or that only 13 youth showed up, but any or all of that means that youth group this past week tanked. Maybe it was fun for other folks, but for me it was a tough night.

The truth is that I find it refreshing that after 16 years of youth ministry I can still crash and burn. It reminds me that no matter how much I learn I will never know it all, there is no perfect formula, I have to keep learning, keep adapting, and Jesus still runs the show...not me.

And even in the middle of one big hot mess of a youth group, God still speaks, still moves, is still present. May God bless my messes.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Youth Ministry Stories #1 (Britney and the water Balloon )

Heather and I were on a long ride back from my in-law house in Anderson, SC. It was very late and I was struggling to stay awake. It order to stay awake she and I reminisced about memorable things that have happened in the year I have been in youth ministry. We came up with 126 stories, so I could do these blogs forever.

Youth Ministry Stories #1 (Britney and the water Balloon)
Our youth choir took a trip to the mountains for a three day weekend of rafting and camping. We had about 30 youth with us. One afternoon, spontaneously as these thing seem to happen, an all out water balloon war began with the entire group. We ran around hitting each other with balloons, laughing, and getting wet.

I was standing in the middle of the field and was not looking when Britney Boulineau came around the corner and threw a balloon at me. Britney was the shortest in the group, the most petite, and probably the youngest girl on that youth trip. The balloon she threw hit me hard, and the balloon landed below the belt. As soon as I felt the pain, I reacted, a moment of blind rage, not knowing at who I was aiming. I threw my balloon as hard as I could and hit poor Britney right in the face. She fell down crying, I fell down moaning.

I would say that the way her eyes blackened up the next day would be the worst part of the story, that is if her Dad was not one of the leaders. He was standing 3 feet from me the whole time.

I'm sorry Britney!