Here are our results of our game.
The Undertaker vs. Darth Vader
James (7 years old) acknowledged that the undertaker is really strong, but if Darth Vader could get some space between them he could use his light saber or pinch him on the neck.
Winner: Darth Vader
Yoda vs. The Power Rangers
Levi (3 years old) was certain that Yoda would cut them all up. Nolan (5 years old) thought that the Power Rangers would win because Yoda has no friends to help him.
Winner: Split decision
The boys all agreed quite quickly that the Pink Ranger would make easy work of Troy. Sorry Troy!
Winner: The Pink Ranger
Troy and 500 army men vs. the Power Rangers
Once again the boys had faith in the Power Rangers and thought they would win, although they did admit that it would take a long time for the Ranger to beat all of those people.
Winner: The power Rangers
Pirates vs. Ninjas
Nolan said the pirates would win because they have swords. Telling him that Ninjas have swords as well did not persuade him. James thought that Pirates would win because Ninjas don't have boats.
Winner: Pirates
Darth Vader vs. 1000 fire ants
Initially the boys thought that Darth Vader would lose this fight, but then they realized that Vader could shake the ants off of him and stab them easily on the ground with his lightsaber.
Winner: Darth Vader
A Train vs. A dinosaur wearing a Football helmet
Nolan exclaimed with passion that if it was a T-Rex he would split the train in half, but some of the other dinosaurs would get ran over.
Winner: A Dinosaur wearing a football helmet
A shark vs. a Dinosaur (this fight happens at the waters edge)
James was quick to point out that if it was a mega-shark then it could make a wave bigger than a skyscraper and drown the dinosaur.
Winner: a shark
Darth Vader vs. Darth Vader
They would most likely destroy each other, but who ever did the neck pinch thing first would win.
Winner: Darth Vader
A Bear vs. The Undertaker
The Undertaker would punch the bear in the face, and then he would tombstone piledrive him until the bear went to sleep.
Winner: The Undertaker