Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ice cream or death

Tonight I told my 3 sons that in order to get ice cream they would have to eat all of their veggies.  James (my 7 year old) tried to convince me that he had exactly an ice cream size amount of room in his stomach, and if he ate any veggies then he would be too full.

After dinner James was told he would not get ice cream.  He responded by running out of the room.  When I searched for him a few minutes later, I found him locked in the bathroom.

 "James, are you in there?"

"Yes, I'm in here and I'm gonna stay locked in here until I either get ice cream or I grow old and die."

He did eventually come out, ate his vegetables, and earned ice cream.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Nugget of Joy from James, about Clouds

We were driving home from the swimming pool today when I received this nugget of joy from my oldest son, (7 year old) James.

"Dad can we plan a trip where we take a ride in an air plane, and we can ride really really close to a really really fluffy cloud.  I can sit on top of the plane with a safety seat, and when we get close I can catch some of the cloud in a box.  Don't you think that would be a good trip?  Will you plan that for us?"

Dost thou know the balancings of the clouds, the wondrous works of him which is perfect in knowledge?
Job 37:16 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And now your BROski moment of the week (The P-Tree)

Bro Seriously

Dutch designer Sam Van Veluw has developed a new way to answer the call of nature at outdoor events and venues. After a long search for a public restroom at a music concert one evening, he came up with the concept of strapping a waterless urinal onto a tree. These would be simple to install and can relieve the pressure on port-a-potties we had to use the pun) at public events. Its practical application may be questionable, but it is a refreshing approach to what can be a pressing problem.

Read the original post below

Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads!

My oldest son, James (7 year old), was playing with his Nintendo DS, which is a suped up portable game system.  He was using the video-camera component, and he just discovered some of the video effects.  He came into the living room videotaping in black and white (he called it black, white, and silver), and he declared with much excitement, "Hey Dad! look!  It's like everything is back in 1980.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

And now your BROski moment of the week

I found this video on a website (  This patriotic video is awesome.  God bless America, and

BRO hard or BRO home