Monday, December 6, 2010

The best of friends, by James Phillips

This happened a long time ago, but I've never put it on my blog.  I did post it all over Facebook however.

About 6 months ago my son went to the doctor.  It took a long time to leave the waiting room and head back to the room where we would see the doctor, and once we were finally in the room it was another long wait.  My son, James, who was 6 at the time was growing restless.  To pass the time I asked him to tell me a story.  He created a pretty elaborate and original story about Woody and Buzz.  As he told the story I realized he was telling a gem, so I quickly grabbed pen a paper and wrote the story as he told it.  The following day James, Nolan (4 years old at the time), and I turned James' story into a movie.

The best of Friends, by James Phillips (and some help by Nolan)